North Carolina State University
SACS Compliance Certification
August 15, 2003

Comprehensive Standards: Educational Programs 3.4.1 (educational programs approved, outcomes evaluated)
The institution demonstrates that each educational program for which academic credit is awarded (a) is approved by the faculty and the administration, and (b) establishes and evaluates program and learning outcomes.

North Carolina State University is in compliance with this standard. 

Explanation (a)
The administration and the faculty oversee each educational program at the university through parallel approval processes for undergraduate and graduate programs.  Each college, with its dean, assumes responsibility for administrative oversight of programs within its disciplinary areas. Overall responsibility for program approval and review resides with the provost, as advised by the Council of Deans and either the University Courses and Curriculum Committee or Graduate Administrative Board.  The information contained in this report is also available in Core Requirements #7.    

Proposals for new educational programs are initiated by faculty from a department or interdisciplinary field, who prepare a brief Notification of Intent to Plan a new degree program.  The proposal process is outlined by the University of North Carolina Board of Governors (BOG) in UNC-OP Memorandum No. 406

After it has been submitted, the notification is reviewed by the appropriate departmental and college curriculum committees (all faculty committees), the department head(s) and dean(s), and either the undergraduate University Courses and Curriculum Committee or the Graduate Administrative Board (both faculty committees).  If approved, the proposal is forwarded to the provost and chancellor, who consult the Council of Deans, University Council, and Board of Trustees before forwarding the proposal to the Office of the President of the University of North Carolina. 

If the notification is approved by the Office of the President, the faculty prepare a more detailed Request for Authorization to Establish a New Degree Program, again according to UNC-OP Memorandum No. 406.  This request follows the same review and approval path as the Notification of Intent to Plan.  The president of the UNC System reviews the proposal, and, if it is approved, forwards it to the BOG for consideration.

Distance education programs follow the same review and approval procedures as on-campus programs.  The relevant BOG policy and procedures are included in UNC-OP Memorandum No. 407.

Explanation (b)
Academic departments establish and evaluate program and learning outcomes for their degree programs.  For undergraduate programs, departments assemble portfolios of evidence on students' achievement of those outcomes.  Portfolios are reviewed by the Committee on Undergraduate Program Review.  Details of the process are available in the Undergraduate Education section of Comprehensive Standards: Institutional Mission, Governance, and Effectiveness #16 and its supporting material. 

For graduate programs, students’ achievement of learning outcomes are reviewed during qualifying examinations and as theses and dissertations are defended.  The results of these reviews are considered during periodic program reviews by the Graduate School.  For details, see the Graduate School section of Comprehensive Standards: Institutional Mission, Governance, and Effectiveness #16 and supporting material.


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