On-Campus Regular Term FTE Budget Enrollment Report - Summer 2 2014

Category Total Headcount FTE Generating
FTE Full-time Equivalent
Primary Undergraduate Enrollment North Carolina Resident Agricultural Institute 29 29 10.00
Regular Undergraduate 3,521 3,520 1,163.50
Lifelong Education & Specials-UG 457 455 129.50
Subtotal 4,007 4,004 1,303.00
Non-Resident Agricultural Institute 1 1 0.25
Regular Undergraduate 398 398 142.75
Lifelong Education & Specials-UG 35 35 9.75
Subtotal 434 434 152.75
Total Degree Type 4,441 4,438 1,455.75
Graduate Enrollment North Carolina Resident Regular Graduate 412 411 208.00
Lifelong Education & Specials-GR 12 11 6.00
Subtotal 424 422 214.00
Non-Resident Regular Graduate 153 153 78.25
Subtotal 153 153 78.25
Total Degree Type 577 575 292.25
Total Budget Type 5,018 5,013 1,748.00
Vet Graduate Enrollment North Carolina Resident DVM 1 1 0.25
CVM 6 5 2.25
Subtotal 7 6 2.50
Non-Resident CVM 2 2 0.75
Subtotal 2 2 0.75
Total Degree Type 9 8 3.25
Total Budget Type 9 8 3.25
Grand Total 5,027 5,021 1,751.25

**Excludes: Co-op only, faculty with all tuition waived, inter-institutional or exchange students.
No extension hours or extension only students are included.
Lifelong and specials include unclassified, special and inter-institutional students.
Both headcounts exclude audit only.
GS116 - number of students in special budget category included in NC regular undergraduate category.

FTE On-Campus GS116 Budget Enrollment - Summer 2 2014

Category North Carolina Resident Non-Resident
Headcount FTE Headcount FTE Headcount FTE Headcount FTE
Primary Regular Undergraduate 1 1 0.25 10 10 3.50
Lifelong Education & Specials-UG . . . 1 1 0.25
Regular Graduate . . . 1 1 0.50


FTE On-Campus Faculty_staff Waiver Budget Enrollment - Summer 2 2014

Category North Carolina
Headcount N
Primary Regular Undergraduate 1 1
Lifelong Education & Specials-UG 2 2
Regular Graduate 1 1
Lifelong Education & Specials-GR 1 1
Subtotal 5 5
Vet CVM 1 1
Subtotal 1 1
Total 6 6


On-Campus and Distance Education FTE Budget Report - Summer 2 2014

Enrollment Category Total Headcount FTE Generating
FTE Full-time
Primary Undergraduate Enrollment North Carolina Resident Agricultural Institute 29 29 10.00
Regular Undergraduate 3,565 3,564 1,168.50
Lifelong Education & Specials-UG 701 694 202.50
Subtotal 4,295 4,287 1,381.00
Non-Resident Agricultural Institute 1 1 0.25
Regular Undergraduate 402 402 143.25
Lifelong Education & Specials-UG 90 90 25.50
Subtotal 493 493 169.00
Total Degree Type 4,788 4,780 1,550.00
Graduate Enrollment North Carolina Resident Regular Graduate 543 538 266.50
Lifelong Education & Specials-GR 64 62 21.50
Subtotal 607 600 288.00
Non-Resident Regular Graduate 162 162 83.00
Lifelong Education & Specials-GR 10 10 2.75
Subtotal 172 172 85.75
Total Degree Type 779 772 373.75
Total Budget Type 5,567 5,552 1,923.75
Vet Graduate Enrollment North Carolina Resident DVM 1 1 0.25
CVM 6 5 2.25
Subtotal 7 6 2.50
Non-Resident CVM 2 2 0.75
Subtotal 2 2 0.75
Total Degree Type 9 8 3.25
Total Budget Type 9 8 3.25
Grand Total 5,576 5,560 1,927.00

**Excludes: Co-op only, faculty with all tuition waived, inter-institutional or exchange students.
Lifelong and specials include unclassified, special and inter-institutional students.
Both headcounts exclude audit only.

FTE On-Campus and Distance Education GS116 Budget Enrollment - Summer 2 2014

Category North Carolina Resident Non-Resident
Headcount FTE Headcount FTE Headcount FTE Headcount FTE
Primary Regular Undergraduate 1 1 0.25 10 10 3.50
Lifelong Education & Specials-UG . . . 1 1 0.25
Regular Graduate . . . 1 1 0.50


FTE On-Campus and Distance Ed Faculty_staff Waiver Budget Enrollment - Summer 2 2014

Category North Carolina
Headcount N
Primary Regular Undergraduate 1 1
Lifelong Education & Specials-UG 7 7
Regular Graduate 5 5
Lifelong Education & Specials-GR 2 2
Subtotal 15 15
Vet CVM 1 1
Subtotal 1 1
Total 16 16